Is Gamification Something you Should try for Sales?

Is Gamification Something You Should Try for Sales?

Gamification has been tossed around a lot in the marketing world lately and has become very popular for B2C. However, it’s also become a little muddled by overuse. Think of it as the writing term “personification” except instead of overlaying personal attributes to non-human characters it’s when you use game attributes to describe non game type activities.

We’ve all been to sites where people earn badges right? has a great gamification setup. Now of course they sell games so it makes sense for them that their audience would be into game-like marketing. Downloading products, visiting a site and making purchases is not competitive…unless you decide to make it so through gamification.

Gamification is a solid technique, but only for the right companies. It’s the kind of thing that could get really bad, really fast. Remember that just like anything else in marketing, have a solid concept of your entire plan before you start rolling it out. Otherwise you will be up a creek without any sales.

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